Keeping codelists up to date
Once your codelists are imported into your study, they are ready to be used for running jobs on the jobs site.
You may encounter a warning message when you try to run jobs, that looks something like this:
To fix this, you will need to follow the steps to add a codelist into your study again.
Note that this warning is only relevant if the jobs you are running require access to the backend database. Analysis jobs that use data that has already been extracted in a previous run do not need to update codelists in order to run successfully.
Due to changes introduced to address dm+d codes, dm+d
codelists now download with standardised column headings (code
and term
) in the
CSV files. For backwards compatibility, they also include a column with the
original code column heading (typically dmd_id
What are "out-of-date" codelists?🔗
Codelists may sometimes go "out-of-date". All coding systems change (with the exception of CTv3, which is no longer updated), and new releases are published which may add new codes or retire codes.
A codelist version on OpenCodelists is associated with a specific release of a coding system,
and once under review or published, it cannot change. This means that, for the most part, any
codelist that has been specified in codelists.txt
with a version-id
and downloaded into
a study repo will not need to be updated again.
This does not mean that the codelist is up-to-date with the most recent release of a coding system. It only means that the version downloaded in the study has not changed on OpenCodelists.
You may need to create new versions of codelists in order to update them to a more recent coding system release. To do this, go to an existing Codelist page and click on Create new version.
dm+d: a special case🔗
Codelists created with the Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) coding system are special cases. The dm+d coding coding system is updated and released on a weekly basis. Codes for Virtual Medicinal Products (VMPs) can change, and are retrospectively updated in patients’ clinical records. This means that after a new release of dm+d, a VMP with a changed code will no longer match patients that it did previously.
In order to address this, OpenCodelists maintains a mapping of changed VMP codes. When you run
opensafely codelists update
to download codelist CSV files into your study repo, dm+d
codelist CSV files will include the codes explicitly specified in the codelist and any
previous or subsequent changes to those codes.
If a new release of dm+d introduces new VMP mappings that affect codes in your codelists, you
,ay be prompted (by the opensafely command line tool, automated tests in GitHUb, or the jobs site) to re-run
opensafely codelists update
, commit the changes and push them to GitHub before you can run